Selasa, November 29, 2011

peppermint winter

akhirnya, setelah beberapa hari winter dingin yang tanpa salju, hari ini pun turun salju.
siang tadi, awalnya cuma hujan es (waktu itu aku lagi di jalan).
dan begitu sampai di kamar, dari jendela aku bisa lihat ada benda putih turun dari langit..
like floating cottons, just it's cold.




I'll share the coolness of the first snow fall to all of you, guys! ;)

n.b.: video diambil langsung dari balkon lantai 4 kamarku. jadi, inilah pemandangan kampus dilihat dari kamarku. :)

postcard from beijing

oktober kemarin, aku dan temen-temen sekamarku di dorm (Meerim-Kyrgistan, Rizkya-Indonesia, Diksha-Nepal), anak kamar sebelah (Fahri-Indonesia), serta satu orang "tumbal", anak cina yang berhati besar, sangat sabar, tapi asik banget diajak jalan-jalan, bernama Zheng.

total perjalanan 3 hari 4 malam, ini baru travelling yang benar-benar in a rush.
beijing is a totally huge city, man! and it has many many interesting places to travel as well as shopping. tapi berhubung time and cost constraint, maka perjalanan kit apun diselenggarakan dengan cara seksama dalam tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya. merdeka!!

first step: nunggu bis dari kampus SIAS ke kota kota (Zhengzhou)

di kereta ke tujuan beijing, main UNO!

peta. buku lonely planet. mengatur strategi di atas kereta.

beijing hutong (gang kecil), salah satu beijing specialty.

turun dari kereta, langsung meluncur ke lapangan Tian An Men.

one of the best self-taken photo that I've ever seen. the angle and our smiles, checked!

dari Tian An Men, pegang peta, mau masuk ke Forbidden City. giddy!

Forbidden City, Kota Terlarang, Gugong. 3 names, one same great place.

seorang kakek tua yang menulis kaligrafi cina dengan kuas besar dan air, di atas lantai. cool!

family picture di Bei Hai Yuan. 3 persons, 3 personalities, 3 uniqueness.

off to Beijing Zoo! betah banget nongkrong di sini. :3

lagi-lagi, self-taken picture yang oke, nonton panda.

great friends, great picture, great fun, Great Wall!

saya & tembok besar cina.

pagi dingin yang berkabut, diam-diam kabur sendiri, pergi ke Olympic Area...

...cuma buat foto sama si Sangkar Burung ini!

di kereta pulang dari Great Wall, ke Beijing kota.

transportasi penting selama berkeliaran di beijing: kereta bawah tanah a.k.a metro a.k.a subway a.k.a di tie

di Summer Palace, atau Istana Musim Panas.

lihat pagoda tinggi de belakang itu? ikon Summer Palace. naik ke atas situ, yuk!


di gerbang dekat puncak menara pagoda Summer Palace. manjat tinggi pun nggak masalah.

lorong di halaman dalam Summer Palace, di depan danau. lihat itu di langit-langit nya, tiap lukisan menceritakan cerita rakyat cina.

pose :D

another pose :D

siap-siap pulang.

melangkahkan kaki di dalam area istana musim panas, Summer Palace yang megah.

bye-bye, beijing.. terima kasih sudah memberi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan untuk kami berenam ;*

Sabtu, November 19, 2011

gr8 months

it's been 8 months I've spent all my days in china.

I never thought I'll be having this much of progress of myself - and differences.
many things I've learned, outside and inside of the class.

many persons I've met, and each of them teaches me different lessons.
many things I've passed, happy and sad, and also something in between.

I found my family here; the crazy-yet-sweet family of international students. the experience of live together under one roof with people from different country gives me real new things. the happiness, the jokes, the laughs, the life-problems, the fights.. I love them.

and another part of my family here is my amazingly talented skating friends.
the time I practice my motions, the laughs, the falls and pain, the music, the energy.. it's all irreplaceable.

I'm glad that I have a chance to meet all of them, including all the teachers and SIAS' chairman and leaders, to learn many things from them; learn how to study well, the beautiful motions of skating, the persistence and consistence, how to love and let go, and anything..

life is a journey.
indeed we supposed to be better and even better on each of our steps.
and if we fall into a failure, how deep it is, we know we can always find our own strength to get stronger than ever.

seems like it's just yesterday the first time I breath the air of china.
but when I look back, I realize that I only have less than 2 months to stay in this magical new land.

can't wait to go back to Indonesia,
to start over my new old life.

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