Selasa, Desember 29, 2009

let me tell you something..

"Oh and I, I just want to make you understand that failing on me isn't in my plans
And all of the doubts that fill my mind, don't belong there."
- Caleigh Peters: Reach

let me tell you something..

I guess I have to push myself harder than this.
play harder.
work smarter.

let me tell you something..

"Life is always hard for the belle of the boulevard"
- Dashboard Confessional: Belle of The Boulevard

sleepless. breathles..

another sleepless night. as always. this bad habit has become such a routine thing for me, since I was a high school student. and my friends called me "the nocturnal girl". not a good thing to be proud of, though.. :p

after had a midnight bottle (like Colbie Caillat's song). and a midnight call from my friend ;) ,,
I couldn't sleep more. so here I am, taking my time to do some somewhat writing while listening to Monkey Majik's songs. I always love their songs.

these days,
people seems like wanting some more from me. more of this and that. here and there. tiring.

some people try to be good, but some don't.
don't hate me just because I can do more than you.
don't hate me just because I can do many things and you can't.
don't hate me just because I have better deals and you don't.
don't hate me just because I am me.
some love me, others don't.
but whatever.
I don't care if they hate me. because I don't like them either.
and I have more important business to do.

let's move into another bubbling-thing of mine. let's talk about love. oh yea. those famous 4-letter words.

three years ago,
I was in the middle of night -like this-, and wondering what "he" was doing over there. (I don't know why I put apostrophe over there)

I usually do silly things when I'm in love, and curse myself for doing those things. such as: bugging by texting, being such a terrorist, say silly things, silly expressions, silly laugh, and many more.


I'm being so silly.

but I guess,,
it's time for my cold-heart to play its role.
bye bye, love-boy. better I say "no" before it makes me broken heart. or making me more silly than this.

whatever the way I choose, love still hurts. :)

Senin, Desember 21, 2009

game over

it was three nights that I dreamt about death. MY death.

first, I was died by having a shot on my back. second, by earthquake (or some kind of 2012-like). third, by falling from the stairs. 3 lifes were lost, and I still have 6 other lifes, if I were a cat. :p
and after those nightmares, I woke up. and laughed. that's weird, no? have you ever seen a girl, having a 3 times died-nightmares and laughing after it? or should I say, I was R.I.P in my dreams. No, it's not Rest In Peace. it's Rest In Popularity. :p

I was frightened if I really lost all my time to live in. You know, nothing in this world is worst than losing a life. it means, all should be stopped. I mean, ALL! it's when you lose your time to do good things. it's time when all the bad things you've done will be reconsidered and drag you to hell (maybe).

there are so many ways to the death. some people are afraid to go by plane or ship, just because they are afraid if the ship or plane would explode or sink or fall, and they are all died. that's silly reason.
and some other people are afraid to go outside just because there are many dangerous things outside which could make them die.
and there are some others who are afraid to eat candies. just because thay are afraid to get choked and die. :p

there was an old man who died while he was only sitting in his couch.
and there was a young woman who died because of car accident.

it is a very simple method to die. whatever the way is.

let's change the topic. from death to life.

life itself for me,
is just like a long road with a sign of "no escape" and "no turning back".

that's why I'm always trying my best to seize every moment I live in.
and make every second counted.

live your best life :)

let me tell you something..

Aku cuma mencoba buat bertahan terus. Capek banget, tapi aku yakin kalau impianku akan jadi kenyataan. Seenggaknya aku bakal dapet kesempatan. Prinsipku: SELALU SIAP MENERIMA TANTANGAN. Cuma aku yang bisa menentukan masa depanku. :)

be a winner!

aku pikir, sekarang ini lagi musimnya ujian untuk banyak orang.

anak SD, sibuk persiapan ujian nasional (eh, masih ada ujian nasional gak sih? :p).
anak SMP juga.
anak SMA apalagi. mereka juga sibuk buat ujian masuk universitas.
anak S1 sibuk mau UAS.
anak S2 sibuk juga.

*lama-lama jadi kayak sequence.

best luck for anything you stumble on. and I think, anybody wants to be a millionaire. ooops,, to be a winner. :p

so here is a little note for you guys, I hope it could give a little clue for you, to be a winner.
1. gigih
2. motivasi
3. semangat
4. disiplin
5. optimis
6. bisa diandalkan (in a good term)
7. komitmen
8. berdoa kepada Allah.

8 hal sederhana. yang cukup susah untuk selalu diwujudkan. susah tapi bisa!!!

can you feel the heat over there? coz I'm now on fire.
ready to do something great? :)

a little black book

kelihatannya, sekarang blog ku ini jadi semacam buku catatan kecil yang isinya hal-hal yang aku suka. I just want to share with you, guys. you know that I love you. :)

aku selalu punya buku kecil yang gampang dibawa kemana-mana. ini udah jadi sebuah kebisaan buatku, selalu bawa buku kecilku. sejak SMA sampai sekarang. kalo gak salah, sampe saat ini, aku punya 5 buah buku kecil yang semuanya udah kepakai. dan sekarang, aku beli buku kecil baru lagi, karena yang lama udah habis halamannya. aku suka banget menulis hal-hal yang terlintas di kepalaku, dari berbagai macam ide, tugas-tugas kuliah, daftar belanjaan yang harus dibeli :p, gambar coret-coret, catetan kosakata berbagai macam bahasa, jadwal janjian dengan berbagai macam orang, to-do list, and many more.

I love my little book. and I won't let any people sneak into it! :p

let me tell you something..

"Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there. With open arms and open eyes. Yeah. Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there... I'll be there."
- Incubus: Drive.

life is about to give, you know...? it's always a luxury to give and share with others.

heart this quote

"Constant dripping hollows out a stone."
- lucretius

you're so beautiful..

cantik itu,,
berjuta makna

bisa dari sikap kita yang selalu positif,
juga cara kita berhubungan baik dengan orang lain.

cantik bukan hanya dilihat dari penampilan,
tapi juga bisa dirasakan.

cantik itu unik dan beragam seperti indahnya dunia.

cantik itu cerah ceria.
cantik itu mencitai hidup.
cantik itu penuh kasih.
beauty is sparkle.
beauty is energy.
beauty is mood.

that's what a beauty is, for me :)

I love me.
*cantik jadi diri sendiri

17 things a wonderful BF would NEVER DO!

sejak 2 minggu lalu, temen-temen ku tercinta makin sering aja curhat ke aku tentang para pacarnya itu. ada yang pacar du jour nya itu malah berubah jadi cuek. ada yang mengeluh karena diputusin tanpa alasan yang jelas, dan banyak lagi keluhan-keluhan mereka tentang kelakuan para pacar tercintanya itu. biasalah, masalah-masalah klise orang berpacaran.

aku sendiri, masih gak begitu paham konsep pacaran. what's so fun with having only a boyfriend, who isn't the husband? I mean, having a bf is uncontrolled by law legally, so we -the girls- cannot sue if anything bad happened. referred to as the girls are usually the part who suffer more ;)

dan apalagi aku makin gak ngerti, apa aja program kerja orang-orang yang pacaran. aku bingung, selama ini, orang-orang yang pacaran itu ngapain aja ya? apa mereka gak bosen? makan, jalan berdua, ngobrol-ngobrol gak jelas, texting hal-hal gak jelas (such as: udah makan belum, babe? makan pake apa? makan dong biar gak sakit. etc.. etc..) ughh,, puhlezeee,, gimme a break!

ini sebenernya otakku yang kurang capable ato apa, sampe aku gak ngerti asiknya pacaran, apalagi dalam jangka waktu yang panjang, apalagi kalo jarak jauh, pula! aku semakin gak ngerti. somebody please tell me.

kalo aku, in the term of boy-girl relationship, I prefer make them as bestfriends or just friends. itu lebih mudah dan lebih menyenangkan, aku pikir. aku sendiri punya banyak sahabat laki-laki. name it Rofx (my partner in crime), yang udah akrab sejak SMA. Inung, Raushan, Briyan, Febriyan, Muhib, and many others. mereka selalu jadi penasehat pribadiku dalam banyak hal. kadang, aku butuh banyak nasehat dan pemikiran dari boy's point of view. mengimbangi hal-hal yang para my besties sisters kasih ke aku :)

even I don't ever have a bf, but I'm going to say that I'm happy with this. having a husband is an important thing, but having a bf is another thing ;)

anyway, let me tell you about those 17 things which a wonderful bf would NEVER DO! :

1. ngomongin hal-hal negatif ke atau tentang teman-teman dan keluargamu.

2. lupa sama janjinya untuk telepon (atau texting. atau kirim email. atau janjian chatting via ym) ke kamu. kamu dibuat menunggu berjam-jam sia-sia!

3. menduakan kamu (wessehh,, bahasanya..) sama sahabatmu atau jadian sama dia setelah kalian putus. apapun alasannya, nggak banget!

4. buat kamu merasa bersalah setelah makan junk food dan jadi nggak pede sama badanmu sendiri.

5. lupa sama tanggal ulang tahun kamu.

6. ninggalin kamu sendirian secara tiba-tiba di suatu tempat, tanpa bilang apa-apa. nggak sopan banget.

7. merahasiakan hubungan kalian di depan teman-teman ceweknya supaya dia nggak turun pasaran. what?? memangnya dia saham??

8. selalu memeriksa hape kamu setiap kali ada text atau telepon masuk. dia percaya nggak sih sama kamu?

9. tiba-tiba merubah atau membatalkan rencana jalan kalian yang udah direncanakan jauh hari, demi main futsal sama temen-temennya.

10. terang-terangan flirting sama cewek lain di depanmu!

11. manggil kamu pake panggilan yang kasar dan merendahkan seperti "ndut" ato "si lemot".

12. tanpa sepengetahuanmu njelekin dan kritik kamu di depan teman-temannya.

13. bohong sama kamu. biarpun untuk hal yang sepele. yakin dia nggak bakal bohong juga untuk hal-hal yang jauh lebih penting?

14. cuekin kamu di depan umum atau waktu ada teman-temannya.

15. melarang kamu melakukan hal-hal positif yang kamu suka. memangnya dia siapamu?

16. maksa kamu untuk kissing, doing ML, ato coba drugs or smoking. or any other bad things. JUST SAY NO!

17. matahin hati kamu - yang ini bener-bener harus ditinggalkan.

so girls, a relationship between you and your bf is supposed to make you happy and be better person. not to threaten you or just making you cry every night. dan jangan lupa, sebagai balasan buat dia, "evaluasi" juga sikapmu, ya! hehhee :)

I just want to say that,,
I have great girls, wonderful guys and a cool family. what sould more I want? ;)

Sabtu, Desember 19, 2009

heart this quote

"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that every moment is the only one you know you have for sure."
- Oprah Winfrey

heart this quote

"Only life lived for others is worth living."
- Albert Einstein

a girl and her feelings

"A fashionable woman is always in love - with herself."
- La Rochefoucauld

this week, finally I could really understand by what the quote's above supposed to mean. by a twisted way. which some people call it 'love'.

yes, those famous 4-letter word.

should I admit that I had been in love for only A DAY??
fell in love in the morning and broken heart in the evening??
is this all for real??

even I've already made a promise before, that I'd not fall in love while I'm taking my undergraduate degree here.
but look at me now. I break my own promise. how could I fall in love that easy? who's that man? who could beat my infamous-cold-hard heart?
(suddenly after I told my friends that I fell in love, they all shocked. totally. and they were getting even more shocked when they knew that I had broken heart. in the same day.)

and from that day, until now,
I'm broken heart and fall in love - at the same time. it's kinda weird, I know.

but I still don't know why I love this broken heart.
and I'm happy, in a sick, twisted way.

in that twisted way too,,
I'm being a new me. better one.
every love story is supposed to make us into a better person, right?
if we can place everything in its proper place and take the lesson, we'll be greater person.
tested. proven. guaranteed.

tea, anyone?

here I am, after having accounting class with Pak Rudi, sitting under the pale afternoon sky and drinking cold tea from the bottle. so, while you're listening me bubbling, would you like some tea, anyone? ;)

ah-nee-wayy, it's a long time since I haven't updated this blog yet. I was being such a busy bee these days. busy with assignments, promises and sleeping. I guess it's time for me to take my sneakers again and do some sports. I'm being like Garfield; having big slouchy abs, eating lasagna and has orange fur ;)

as you know, guys. I went to KL for some days. it's unpredictably fun and great!! I mean, it's unbelievable.
since I got special invitation to have dinner a table with rectors and deans of 2 universities.
and had Czech-language chatting with Mr.Ibrahim Zein, the dean of ISTAC.
got award for the youngest presenter.
got killer-heels from vincci.
got great books from kinokuniya (or whatever it names, since it's hard to spell).
got great talking-time with prof.dibyo.
got great time with my friends and lecturers.
got many precious things.

I was being the only girl student among 6 other guys, yet the youngest. feels like having 6 brothers - or 6 bodyguards? :p
angga, dian sandi, damas, anindita, jenggis and febrian.

and not forget to mention my other great friends there; haris, ghani, and vidjaz. I miss the time we were having dinner together. I would give anything I have to back to that time, subsequently It was REALLY a great time with you, guys.. :(
*hyperbolic style: activated*

I have great time with them, even they mostly left me alone and asked me to wash their dishes (the 6 boys did). the lecturers came along too. my favorite lecturers, name it Pak Mashudi (our daddy), Pak Heru (our beloved one), Pak Iwan (our lovely one), Pak Endrio, Pak Ruli, Pak Ichsan, and many more. oh, also there were Bu Indah, Bu Eko, Mbak Novi, Mbak Yuni, and many more.

anyway, I really love the architecture of ISTAC's buildings. that's absolutely awsome. feels like playing classical music all the time. :)

but still,,
can't get enough to say that I really miss that great time. I really miss my friends there; haris, ghani and vidjaz. let's have a dinner together again someday :)
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